Randls Business Webinar

CURRENT (FEBRUARY) WEBINAR: 11 February 2025 (10:00–10:30 am) – Contracting Process and Pre-Contractual Liability

The February Randls Business Webinar will focus on Contracting Process and Pre-Contractual Liability. The entire process of various business discussions, offers and negotiation of the parties on the terms of the contract is one of the most important parts of the entire contractual cooperation in business. The parties set the rules for future cooperation and at a certain stage of the negotiation they also have certain expectations from each other, also with regard to the resources invested in the commencement of the contract. In the webinar we will explain how a contract can be concluded and when a contract is already formed that is binding for both parties. We will also highlight what to look out for when entering into contracts and what responsibilities the parties have when negotiating a contract. We will also briefly discuss when it is appropriate to conclude an LOI or an NDA. However, we will talk more about these types of contracts in particular during the webinar in March 😊 At the beginning of the webinar, we will of course summarize the latest news from new and proposed legislation and the decision-making practice of courts and important authorities.

MARCH WEBINAR: 11 March 2025 (10:00–10:30 am) – LOI and NDA


Characteristic: Based on the needs and preferences of our clients, we have decided to transform the traditional and popular Business Brunch into Randls Business Webinar, which will be even better suited for everybody who wants to regularly and efficiently obtain the latest information on various law areas of particular importance for business. The meetings will continue to cover latest case law and will be a platform for discussion. We’ll gladly answer your questions and discuss your practical insights in a comprehensive way – but now in a more flexible online format, with a focus on summarising the latest and most relevant topics.

Randls Business Webinar is a 30-minute online meeting in which each month we will guide you through the most current legal topics and introduce you to relevant news in an efficient and enjoyable way. It is an accessible way to learn important legal information and stay up-to-date through regular online meetings.

Timeframe: The Randls Business Webinar will be held on a regular monthly basis on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The duration of the online meeting will be around 30 minutes, depending on the need and current events.

For whom: The event is suitable particularly for members of commercial teams, purchase managers, members of compliance departments, operation managers, administrative staff, persons preparing contracts or dealing with financial matters, in-house lawyers, project managers, data processing managers, top-level management including members of governing bodies, marketing and HR specialists. However, it may be equally interesting for anyone else.

Price: We would like to make our online meetings accessible for all our clients who want to educate themselves, improve their work or just keep up to date with current events, so joining Randls Business Webinars is completely free.

 Topic Focus:

  • Updates on legislation – particularly in the field of civil law, commercial law (including international trade), corporate law, real estate law, competition law, intellectual property law, advertising law, personal data protection, AML, corporate criminal liability and other relevant areas
  • new relevant case law – courts, selected administrative authorities, Office for Personal Data Protection, Office for the Protection of Competition, Industrial Property Office, Financial Analytical Office, State Institute for Drug Control, trade and construction authorities and others
  • main topic – for 2025, the topic of the webinar will always be one of the most frequently used contract types that our clients encounter and use most often (e.g. purchase agreement, contract for work, contract on provision of services, confidentiality agreement)

Lecturers: Mgr. et Mgr. Irena Lišková, Mgr. Lukáš Hofman, Dr. Pavel Randl, LL.M., Mgr. Ladislav Mádl, Mgr. Nicole Nathanielová, Mgr. Eliška Říhová, Mgr. Marek Vávra and other members of the Randls team.

Register at brunch@randls.com. You can register for the whole year in advance or just for individual webinars.